Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

"We love making things"

Let's bring our garments home. That was the leading idea when we where thinking of a photoshoot on location. We have been coming in Portugal for many years now. Our clothes, your clothes, are made there. Just around the corner of the atelier we found many scenic spots. A quarry, the beach, an abandoned house. Scenes which emphasize the beauty and comfort of your choice of style. 

Once the idea was agreed on, we asked our local friends to help us further in looking a local model and a makeup artist they could recommend. Not only did we want to bring the garments home, we also wanted local hands on the job. 

Styling and photography were the two things we kept close to ourselves. In order to maintain our BLACK by K&M signature. 

In the meantime we have processed the images. Some first results were already shared with social media. And our homepage was updated with a couple of our favorite images. 

One question remains: where should we go next?


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